Time Of Establishment
PT. Oasis Anugerah Kasih is established in 2018.
Our business is located in KIM (Modern Industrial Park) which is strategic location because near Port and Industrial Area.
To fulfill our isotank customer requirement, our depo perform cleaning, repair & maintenance,heating, testing, etc.
In early 2019 we opened new branch in Surabaya to meet our customer demand in eastern part of Java.
Our company has obtained ISO9001, ISO14001, and ISO45001 that applies a management system in line with the above standard for the following scope:
Service Provision for Warehousing, Storage, Cleaning , and Repair for ISO TANK.
Our company already has Waste water treatment facility. It’s aprocess that aims toremove contaminants and wastewater and convert
the water into clean water that can be returned to the water cycle. And also already have Cleaning Automatic System facility. It’s a process that makes us easier to clean isotank, technicians don’t need to go inside isotank to clean manually. Only need to get inside for inspection whether already clean or not after perform interior wash by the automatic machine. With this machine we are able to clean around 25-30 tanks/ day.
We are also have IsoTank Forwarding business
Service Type :
Gas Tank
Chemcail Tank
Food Tank
IBC Tank
LNG tank
Other Special Tank
Service Item:
Export Forwarding
Import Forwarding
Intermodal Forwarding
Railway Forwarding
Empty isotank Repo
Advantaged Service:
Booking Agent
Customs clearance Agent
Multi company service
Owned Customs broker
Owned Trucking Company
Owned Warehouse
Owned DG Declaration
Drumming Service
Flexitank Service
Jl. Pulau Saparua No. B-5A, KIM III, Tangkahan, Medan Labuhan, Medan