Time Of Establishment
CIMC Safeway Tank Service(Lianyungang)Co, Ltd. (referrd to as Lianyungang Safeway Depot) is located at the entrance of Xuwei Petrochemical lndustrial Hub,Lianyungang, jiangsu Province, and is adjacent to the storage area of the Hub,such as Rong Tai, Si Er Bang Petrochemica's Sinochem Ruiheng,COSCO Warehouse and Mikyway Warehouse.
The yard covers an area of 25335 square meters and is equipped with advanced domestic waste wate and waste gas treatment systems lt can provide professional service such as cleaning,testing,maintenance,heating,nitroger purging,steam heating,remanufacturing and emergency services for SO tanks, Swapbody and 30' tanks and road tankers.
Well qualified
Multiple domestic depot service network
Intelligent business system services
Automated tank cleaning equipment
Offering services to local chemical manufacturers
Easy acceess to the chemical hub
Independent tank survey service at the depot
500m West of Safeway and Environmental Protection Management Center Suhai Road Xuwei New Chemical Hub,Lianyun District Lianyungang City,Jiangsu Province China.